Register your interest for Toolbox Primary (5-12years)
In 6 sessions, over 6 weeks, Toolbox Primary covers a range of topics, including the importance of love and connection, different parenting styles, understanding your child and their big feelings, discipline, boundaries, play and more.
Full Name
First name
Last name
Email address
Phone Number
Please select which option would suit you best to attend the Toolbox course
Please select a time that would suit you best to attend the Toolbox course
Daytime with childminding
Daytime no childminding required
Weekend - morning
Have you been referred by another agency? If so, please tell us the agency name.
If yes, do you give us permission to contact them directly? If so, please provide a contact number.
How did you find out about this couse?
How many children do you have in your care?
What ages are the children in your care?
Please check the highlighted fields